化学式 製品検索


Various modifications for your application

Starch contains amylose and amylopectin. Amylose is a linear chain of α-D-glucose (It’s called ”α-1,4 bonds.”) while Amylopectin has a branch(It’s called “α1-6 bonds.”). The ratio and the degree of polymerization depend on the type of plants.
The molecular weight of amylose ranges from tens of thousands to millions while the molecular weight of amylopectin is from the tens of millions to 500 million. The difference appears the ease of retrogradation. Amylopectin is relatively stable. On the other hand, amylose has retrogradation easily. Starches are divided into “Underground starch” and “Ground starch”. Underground starch includes corn starch and wheat starch. Ground starch includes potato starch and tapioca starch. Underground starch has a less retrogradation compared with Ground starch because it has a lower amylose content than Ground one.

In some cases, starch is used without any modification. But in many cases, it is modified, for example, low molecular weight, esterification, etherification, and so on.