化学式 製品検索




Saflon is a cellulosic coating paper which we developed with Rengo Co.,Ltd. We can produce following three types by changing base paper, coating method, and amount of cellulosic coating.
1. Film forming
2. Air permeability control
3. Paper strength enhancement

flaskRecommended Applications

  • Packaging materials for fragrances, disposable pocket warmers, and insect repellent
  • Wrapping paper for snacks and fruits
  • Casing in meat processing
  • Wrapping paper for fried foods
  • Draining bags and oil filters
  • Medical tapes
  • Wipers
  • Base paper of heat exchangers
  • Air permeability

    Air and gas permeability controllable by changing amount of cellulosic coating.

    Peeling property

    Safety in food contact, easy peeling from food, so suitable for food processing paper.

    Water resistance

    Hard to tear in water and hot water.

    Oil resistance

    Keep paper strength in oil-stained condition, suitable for wrapping paper of fried foods.

    Heat resistance

    Not soften and melt by heat.

    Moisture Sensitivity

    Moisture permeability can be changed depending on humidity; high permeability in high humidity.


    Keep moisture.


    Good printability.